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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Illustration Friday survielance

Just a quick doodle today, surveillance makes me think of spies, and spies make me think of Spy versus Spy which I love reading in Mad magazines whenever I can . I haven't bought a Mad for a little while now, might be time to invest in some more I think.
This is a classic spy joke which never loses its humour for me. I'm sure the spy versus spy guys have done it before too.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Illustration Friday - Sweet

Good morning - well it is as I write this here. Its a four day weekend for me - Yah! No wonder I'm happy!

The Illustration Friday word this week is sweet so I decided to put this little illustration up for my submission.

We have a sweet little friend who had a birthday recently and she requested a painting of bunnies and these are the bunnies I came up with for her. I was surprised as I had previously done a painting for her and thought one would be enough as children probably wanted toys and fun things for birthdays more than artwork, Because of this it was a bit last minute when she asked me but I felt really proud that she did. 

I'm happy to report they were well received and these bunnies now have their own new and very loving home.